
Hello again! It’s been forever since I’ve posted here. Life has been busy!

I have stayed ”slightly” more up to date on my Instagram account. But just slightly. So it’s about time I caught it up over here as well.

November is also known as National Adoption Awareness Month which is a packed month of Adoption posts on Instagram. It can be an emotionally heavy month to take in and to put out so much on this topic. But I have enjoyed sharing and releasing during these daily word prompts too.

As you can read below in an attempt to catch up!

NAAM word prompt.


If you’ve been following my journey here then most of you probably already know this but to those that are new let me recap.

•My name is Jenni. 👋🏻
•I was adopted at birth in 1990.
•My adoption was CLOSED.
•Born, raised & still reside in Northern Utah.
•I have one brother. We share a birth mom but have different birth fathers.
•I always wanted to find my birth family.
•In 2018 I took an AncestryDNA kit in hopes to find them & did so a few months later.
•My brother chose not to reunite.
•I reunited a few weeks later in person with my birth mom – who’s only lived about 2 hrs away from me for most of my life.
•Currently doing our best to navigate all that comes with reuniting. It’s a whole new way of life which is great but like adoption in general – doesn’t come without it’s challenges too. That’s me in a nutshell as an adoptee.

BUT I’m much more than just an adoptee & too often over the years I’ve failed to recognize the importance of that. My most important role is as a wife & mother. Which by the way is something I just assumed I’d tank at because of being adopted. But these 2 roles as wife & mom give me life & I’ve never been more proud to be both. My cup is filled daily with more love than I ever thought I deserved & I’m incredibly grateful.

The other night I was watching one of my favorite shows ‘THIS IS US’ and ended it crying, as I always do. But something was said that hit me quite hard & it feels appropriate to share here.
Beth was speaking to her husband Randall (who was adopted) and she said: “You were born out of tragedy. Multiple tragedies. All that loss. All that sadness. Look right in front of you. Right here. Look at what you did with all of that. Do you see it? (As they looked at their kids) The pain is not forever. We fight on.”

Adoption is love but it’s also tragedy. Either way- fight on & know that the pain is not always forever and that you deserve the good life just as much as anyone else! Just from one Adoptee who has experienced this for myself to the rest of you. 😘

Love, Jenni

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